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Welcome to 50 Foundation!

We are very excited about Fifty! What we want to achieve is small scale – we’re not going to change the universe. We are however going to make a difference in a few lives, and we don’t doubt that that will in turn bring about positive change for others.

Our goal is simple: We want to send 50 volunteers from this country to a project in India. Not all at the same time, but in one’s and two’s over 50 weeks. We support specific projects that are all about good development – we know – we’ve checked them out. Our first project is the Asha Jyothi project for orphaned children and street workers.

Fifty volunteers, under the authority of the outstanding Indian leadership in Hyderabad, will contribute. No tokenistic tasks here. They will do things that really need doing, imparting skills and empowering others through IT or medical, accounting or English, communications or sewing, culinary or painting and decorating. Each person will do something for a very special project leaving a very personal and tangible legacy.

On return volunteers will commit to within 50 days joining the (closed) facebook community of those who have visited and share their experiences and report on progress. And within 50 weeks we expect volunteers to send UK 1,000 to us so we can continue to invest in the project.

Our distinction is the personal nature of the commitment, the very real and visible difference to be made and the connection of two communities – one with more material privilege and the other also with something to offer – and finding out the other side of the equation will be a wonderful adventure for each volunteer.

We are excited because we believe in the global community and the fulfilment of the potential of every single human being, from privilege and prosperity and from material deprivation, poverty and oppression alike.

Join us!

Best wishes

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